Complete Metric Spaces
Definition. Let be a metric space. A sequence of points of is said to be a Cauchy sequence in if it has the property that for any , there exists an integer such that
Definition. The metric space is said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence in converges (in the space itself).
- A closed subset of a complete metric space is necessarily complete in the restricted metric (inherited from the original space), as a Cauchy sequence in is also Cauchy in , so it converges in , and the limit must lie in because is closed (see Theorem 17.6 in Chapter 2).
- If is complete under the metric , then is also complete under the standard bounded metric with respect to , and conversely, because a sequence is Cauchy (resp. converges) under if and only if it is Cauchy (resp. converges) under (since for any and the equality holds when , see also Exercise 43.3).
[Lemma 43.1] A metric space is complete if every Cauchy sequence in has a convergent subsequence.
infoIn fact, it also follows from this theorem and Theorem 28.2 (see Chapter 3) that every compact metric space is complete. However, the converse does not hold: a complete metric space need not be compact (e.g. in its standard topology).
In fact, it also follows from this theorem and Theorem 28.2 (see Chapter 3) that every compact metric space is complete. However, the converse does not hold: a complete metric space need not be compact (e.g. in its standard topology).
Let be a Cauchy sequence in . It follows that given , there exists a positive integer such that whenever .
Let be a convergent subsequence of with the limit , then for any , there exists a positive integer such that whenever .
Take . Using the fact that for any subindex , it follows that whenever , we have
[Theorem 43.2] The Euclidean space is complete in the Euclidean metric or the square metric .
To show that the metric space is complete, let be a Cauchy sequence in , then the set is a bounded subset of , because if we choose such that
then the number
is an upper bound for , by triangle inequality (). This implies that the points of the sequence all lie in the -ball . Since this sphere is compact (see Theorem 27.3 in Chapter 3), the sequence has a convergent subsequence, by Theorem 28.2 (in Chapter 3). Thus, is complete.
Note that a sequence is Cauchy (resp. converges) relative to if and only if it is Cauchy (resp. converges) relative to , hence is also complete.
[Lemma 43.3] Let be the product space and be a sequence of points of , then if and only if for each .
Since the projection mapping is continuous, it preserves convergent sequences (see Theorem 21.3 in Chapter 2); the 'only if' ( direction) part of the lemma follows.
To prove the converse ( direction), suppose that for each . Let be a basis element for that contains . For each such that does not equal the entire space (see Theorem 19.1 in Chapter 2), choose a positive integer so that whenever . Let be the largest of such numbers , then for all , we have that .
[Theorem 43.4] There is a metric for the product space relative to which is complete.
Let be the standard bounded metric on . Let be the metric on defined by , then induces the product topology on (see Theorem 20.5 in Chapter 2).
We verify that is complete under . Let be a Cauchy sequence in . Since by definition
we see that for fixed the sequence is a Cauchy sequence in (consider such that whenever , given ), so it converges, say to (see Theorem 43.2 above). The sequence then converges to the point in .
Definition. Let be a metric space; let be the standard bounded metric on derived from . If and are points of the Cartesian product , let
One can check that is a metric; it is called the uniform metric on corresponding to the metric on .
This is the generalisation of the definition of uniform metric given in Chapter 2.
Since the elements of are in fact functions from to , one could also use functional notation for them, which will be used from hereon.
The functional notation for the uniform metric is as such: If , then
[Theorem 43.5] If the space is complete in the metric , then the space is complete in the uniform metric corresponding to .
[Theorem 43.6] Let be a topological space and let be a metric space. The set of continuous functions is closed in under the uniform metric, and so is the set of bounded functions. Therefore, if is complete, these spaces are complete in the uniform metric.
noteA function is said to be bounded if its image is a bounded subset of the metric space .
A function is said to be bounded if its image is a bounded subset of the metric space .
To show the first part of this theorem, we first show that if a sequence of elements of converges to the element of relative to the metric on , then it converges to uniformly in the sense defined in §21, relative to the metric on . Let be arbitrary, then due to the assumed convergence, we obtain an integer such that
It follows that for all and all , we have
Thus, converges uniformly to .
Now we show that is closed in relative to the metric . Let be an element of that is a limit point of , then there is a sequence of elements of converging to in the metric (see Lemma 21.2 in Chapter 2). By the uniform limit theorem, is continuous, so that . This implies that the closure of is itself, and thus is closed in .
Finally, we show that is closed in . If is a limit point of , then there is a sequence of elements of converging to . Choose a sufficiently large such that , then for , we have , which implies that . It follows that if is the diameter of the set , then has diameter at most . Thus, .
If is complete, we conclude that and are complete in the metric .
Definition. If is a metric space, one can define another metric on the set of bounded functions from to by the equation
Since and are bounded, the set is bounded (so that the said supremum exists) if both and are bounded, it follows that is well-defined. The metric here is called the sup metric.
There is a simple relation between the sup metric and the uniform metric, which is that if , then .
This is because if , then there exists such that , so by definition, . On the other hand, if , then for all , so that .
Thus, on , the metric is in fact the standard bounded metric derived from the uniform metric .
If is a compact space, then every continuous function is bounded, so the sup metric is well-defined on .
If is complete under , then is complete under the corresponding uniform metric (see Theorem 43.5), so it is also complete under the sup metric (see the first 'Info' block of this section).
[Theorem 43.7] Let be a metric space. There is an isometric embedding of into a complete metric space.
noteAn alternative proof can be found in Exercise 43.9.
An alternative proof can be found in Exercise 43.9.
Definition. Let be a metric space. If is an isometric embedding of into a complete metric space , then the subspace of . is a complete metric space. It is called the completion of .
The completion of is uniquely determined up to an isometry. See Exercise 43.10.
A Space-Filling Curve
[Theorem 44.1] (Peano space-filling curve) Let . There exists a continuous map whose image fills up the entire square .
Step 1. We construct the map as the (uniform) limit of a sequence of a continuous functions , through a series of triangular paths.
Step 2. We define a sequence of functions through recursively defined triangular paths.
Step 3. We claim that the sequence of functions defined in Step 2 is a Cauchy sequence under the sup metric on , which we denote by .
Step 4. Since is complete, the sequence converges to a continuous function . We prove that is surjective.
Compactness in Metric Spaces
Definition. A metric space is said to be totally bounded if for every , there is a finite covering of by -balls.
[Theorem 45.1] A metric space is compact if and only if it is complete and totally bounded.
Definition. Let be a metric space. Let be a subset of the function space . If , the set of functions is said to be equicontinuous at if given