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Exercises Attempts

Exercise after §30

  1. (a) A GδG_\delta set in a space XX is a set AA that equals a countable intersection of open sets of XX. Show that in a first-countable T1T_1 space, every one-point set is a GδG_\delta set.

    (b) There is a familiar space in which every one-point set is a GδG_\delta set, which nevertheless does not satisfy the first countability axiom. What is it?

(a) Let XX be a space that is first-countable and T1T_1 and {x}\{x\} a one-point set containing a fixed xXx \in X. Since XX is first-countable, there exists a countable collection B\mathcal{B} of open sets containing xx such that each open set containing xx contains at least one of the elements of B\mathcal{B}.

Note that by Exercise 17.15, for each pair of distinct points of XX, there exists a neighbourhood of a point not containing the other and vice versa. This implies that if we take pairs of points of XX such that one of the points in a pair is xx, we obtain a family {Vα}αX\{x}\{V_\alpha\}_{\alpha \in X \backslash \{x\}} of neighbourhoods of xx such that VαV_\alpha does not contain a point αX\{x}\alpha \in X \backslash \{x\}. Each of the neighbourhoods VαV_\alpha also contains at least one of the elements of B\mathcal{B}; we call it BαB_\alpha. Gathering such BαB_\alpha's together, we obtain a countable family {Bα}αX\{x}\{B_\alpha\}_{\alpha \in X \backslash \{x\}} of neighbourhoods of xx, since it is a subset of B\mathcal{B}. Taking intersection over such BαB_\alpha's, we obtain precisely {x}\{x\}, because for every point αX\{x}\alpha \in X \backslash \{x\}, there exists some BαB_\alpha such that αBα\alpha \notin B_\alpha.

Since the choice of xXx \in X is arbitrary, it follows that every one-point set is a GδG_\delta set.

(b) The space Rω\mathbb{R}^\omega equipped with the box topology is not first-countable, but every one-point set in it is a GδG_\delta set.

To see that a one-point set in Rω\mathbb{R}^\omega is GδG_\delta, given a one-point set {x}\{\mathbf{x}\}, where x=(x1,x2,,xn,)\mathbf{x}=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n,\ldots), consider the following countable collection of open sets (under the box topology):

{nZ+(xn1i,xn+1i)}iZ+.\left\{\prod_{n \in \mathbb{Z}_+}\left(x_n-\frac{1}{i},x_n+\frac{1}{i}\right)\right\}_{i \in \mathbb{Z}_+}.

It follows that the intersection of the collection is precisely {x}\{\mathbf{x}\}, due to Archimedean property.

To show that Rω\mathbb{R}^\omega in the box topology is not first-countable, let x\mathbf{x} be a point in Rω\mathbb{R}^\omega and {Ui:iZ+}\{U_i : i \in \mathbb{Z}_+\} a countable collection of neighbourhoods of x\mathbf{x}. There then exists some basis element nZ+(ani,bni)\prod_{n \in \mathbb{Z}_+}(a_n^i,b_n^i) that contains x\mathbf{x}, so that an<xn<bna_n<x_n<b_n for each nn, and is contained in UiU_i for each ii.

Let cn=ann+xn2c_n=\frac{a_n^n+x_n}{2} and dn=xn+bnn2d_n=\frac{x_n+b_n^n}{2}, then V=nZ+(ck,dk)V=\prod_{n \in \mathbb{Z}_+}(c_k,d_k) is a neighbourhood of x\mathbf{x} but UiVU_i \nsubseteq V for each ii.

  1. Show that if XX has a countable basis {Bn}\{B_n\}, then every basis C\mathcal{C} for XX contains a countable basis for XX. [Hint: For every pair of indices n,mn,m for which it is possible, choose Cn,mCC_{n,m} \in \mathcal{C} such that BnCn,mBmB_n \subseteq C_{n,m} \subseteq B_m.]
  1. Let XX have a countable basis; let AA be an uncountable subset of XX. Show that uncountably many points of AA are limit points of AA.
  1. Show that every compact metrizable space XX has a countable basis. [Hint: Let An\mathcal{A}_n be a finite covering of XX by 1/n1/n-balls.]
  1. (a) Show that every metrizable space with a countable dense subset has a countable basis.

    (b) Show that every metrizable Lindelöf space has a countable basis.

  1. Let AA be a closed subspace of XX. Show that if XX is Lindelöf, then AA is Lindelöf.
  1. Let f:XYf : X \to Y be continuous. Show that if XX is Lindelöf, or if XX has a countable dense subset, then f(X)f(X) satisfies the same condition.
  1. Let f:XYf : X \to Y be a continuous open map. Show that if XX satisfies the first or the second countability axiom, then f(X)f(X) satisfies the same axiom.

Exercise after §31

  1. Show that if XX is regular, every pair of points of XX have neighbourhoods whose closures are disjoint.

Suppose that XX is regular, then (by the assumption that XX is T1T_1) XX is also Hausdorff. Therefore, if we let x,yx,y be a pair of (distinct) points in XX, there exists a neighbourhood AA of xx and BB of yy such that AB=A \cap B = \emptyset.

Applying Theorem 31.1, there then exists a neighbourhood UU of xx and VV of yy such that UA\overline{U} \subseteq A and VB\overline{V} \subseteq B. Since AA and BB are disjoint, it follows that U\overline{U} and V\overline{V} are disjoint as well.

  1. Show that if XX is normal, every pair of disjoint closed sets have neighbourhoods whose closures are disjoint.

Let AA and BB be a pair of disjoint closed subsets of XX. By normality, there exists a neighbourhood UU of AA and VV of BB such that UU and VV are disjoint. By Theorem 31.1, there exists neighbourhoods UU' and VV' of AA and BB respectively such that UU\overline{U'} \subseteq U and VV\overline{V'} \subseteq V. It then follows that U\overline{U'} and V\overline{V'} are disjoint, as desired.

  1. Show that every order topology is regular.
  1. Let f,g:XYf, g : X \to Y be continuous; assume that YY is Hausdorff. Show that {x:f(x)=g(x)}\{ x : f(x)=g(x) \} is closed in XX.

8 (reworded). Let GG be a compact topological group; let XX be a topological space; let α\alpha ba an action of GG on XX. If XX is Hausdorff, or regular, or normal, or locally compact, or second-countable, so is the orbit space of α\alpha, denoted by X/GX/G.

[Hint: See Exercise 13 of §26.]

Exercise after §32

  1. Show that a closed subspace of a normal space is normal.

Let XX be a normal space and YXY \subseteq X a closed subspace of XX. Let AA and BB be disjoint closed subsets of YY. By Exercise 17.2 (in Chapter 2), it follows that AA and BB are also closed in XX. By normality, we obtain two disjoint open sets UU and VV in XX that contain AA and BB respectively. It follows that UYU \cap Y and VYV \cap Y are two disjoint open sets in YY that contain AA and BB respectively, thus YY is normal.

  1. Show that if Xα\prod X_\alpha is Hausdorff, or regular, or normal, then so is XαX_\alpha. (Assume that each XαX_\alpha is nonempty.)
  1. Show that every locally compact Hausdorff space is regular.

Since XX is locally compact and Hausdorff, it follows by Theorem 29.2 in Chapter 3 that for every point xx in XX and neighbourhood UU of xx, there is a neighbourhood VV of xx such that V\overline{V} is compact and VU\overline{V} \subseteq U. This satisfies Lemma 31.1(a) (although compactness of V\overline{V} is not required), so XX is regular.

  1. Show that every regular Lindelöf space is normal.
  1. A space XX is said to be completely normal if every subspace of XX is normal. Show that XX is completely normal if and only if for every pair A,BA,B of separated sets in XX (that is, sets such that AB=\overline{A} \cap B = \emptyset and AB=A \cap \overline{B} = \emptyset), there exist disjoint open sets containing them. [Hint: If XX is completely normal, consider X\(AB)X \backslash (\overline{A} \cap \overline{B})].
  1. Prove the following:

    Theorem. Every linear continuum XX is normal.

    (a) Let CC be a nonempty closed subset of XX. If UU is a component of X\CX \backslash C , show that UU is a set of the form (c,c)(c,c') or (c,)(c,\infty) or (,c)(-\infty,c), where c,cCc,c' \in C.

    (b) Let AA and BB be closed disjoint subsets of XX. For each component WW of X\(AB)X \backslash (A \cup B) that is an open interval with one endpoint in AA and the other in BB, choose a point cWc_W of WW. Show that the set CC of the points cWc_W is closed.

    (c) Show that if VV is a component of X\CX \backslash C, then VV does not intersect both AA and BB.

  1. Is every topological group normal?

Exercise after §33

  1. Examine the proof of the Urysohn lemma, and show that for given rr,


    p,qp,q rational.

  1. (a) Show that a connected normal space having more than one point is uncountable.

    (b) Show that a connected regular space having more than one point is uncountable. [Hint: Any countable space is Lindelöf.]


In fact, there does exist a connected Hausdorff space that is countably infinite; it is called the irrational slope topology.

  1. Give a direct proof of the Urysohn lemma for a metric space (X,d)(X,d) by setting
  1. Recall that AA is a 'GδG_\delta set' in XX if AA is the intersection of a countable collection of open sets of XX.

    Theorem. Let XX be normal. There exists a continuous function f:X[0,1]f : X \to [0,1] such that f(x)=0f(x)=0 for xAx \in A, and f(x)>0f(x)>0 for xAx \notin A, if and only if AA is a closed GδG_\delta set in XX.

    A function satisfying the requirements of this theorem is said to vanish precisely on AA.

  1. Prove:

    Theorem (Strong form of the Urysohn lemma). Let XX be a normal space. There is a continuous function f:X[0,1]f : X \to [0,1] such that f(x)=0f(x)=0 for xAx \in A, and f(x)=1f(x)=1 for xBx \in B, and 0<f(x)<10<f(x)<1 otherwise, if and only if AA and BB are disjoint closed GδG_\delta sets in XX.

  1. A space XX is said to be perfectly normal if XX is normal and if every closed set in XX is a GδG_\delta set in XX.

    (a) Show that every metrizable space is perfectly normal.

    (b) Show that a perfectly normal space is completely normal. For this reason the condition of perfect normality is sometimes called the 'T6T_6 axiom.' [Hint: Let AA and BB be separated sets in XX. Choose continuous functions f,g:X[0,1]f, g : X \to [0,1] that vanish precisely on A\overline{A} and B\overline{B} respectively. Consider the function fgf-g.]

    (c) There is a familiar space that is completely normal but not perfectly normal. What is it?

  1. Show that every locally compact Hausdorff space is completely regular.
  1. Let XX be completely regular; let AA and BB be disjoint closed subsets of XX. Show that if AA is compact, there is a continuous function f:X[0,1]f : X \to [0,1] such that f(A)={0}f(A)=\{0\} and f(B)={1}f(B)=\{1\}.

Exercise after §34

  1. Let XX be a compact Hausdorff space. Show that XX is metrizable if and only if XX has a countable basis.
  1. A space XX is locally metrizable if each point xx of XX has a neighbourhood that is metrizable in the subspace topology. Show that a compact Hausdorff space XX is metrizable if it is locally metrizable. [Hint: Show that XX is a finite union of open subspaces, each of which has a countable basis.]
  1. Show that a regular Lindelöf space is metrizable if it is locally metrizable. [Hint: A closed subspace of a Lindelöf space is Lindelöf.] Regularity is essential; where do you use it in the proof?

Exercise after §35

  1. Show that the Tietze extension theorem implies the Urysohn lemma.
  1. Let ZZ be a topological space. If YY is a subspace of ZZ, we say that YY is a retract of ZZ if there is a continuous map r:ZYr : Z \to Y such that r(y)=yr(y)=y for each yYy \in Y.

    (a) Show that if ZZ is Hausdorff and YY is a retract of ZZ, then YY is closed in ZZ.

    (b) Let AA be a two-point set in R2\mathbb{R}^2. Show that AA is not a retract of R2\mathbb{R}^2.

    (c) Let S1S^1 be the unit circle in R2\mathbb{R}^2; show that S1S^1 is a retract of R2\{0}\mathbb{R}^2 \backslash \{\mathbf{0}\}, where 0\mathbf{0} is the origin. Can you conjecture whether or not S1S^1 is a retract of R2\mathbb{R}^2?

  1. A space YY is said to have the universal extension property if for each triple consisting of a normal space XX, a closed subset AA of XX, and a continuous function f:AYf : A \to Y, there exists an extension of ff to a continuous map of XX into YY.

    (a) Show that RJ\mathbb{R}^J has the universal extension property.

    (b) Show that if YY is homeomorphic to a retract of RJ\mathbb{R}^J, then YY has the universal extension property.

Exercise after §36

  1. Prove that every manifold is regular and hence metrizable. Where do you use the Hausdorff condition?
  1. Let XX be a compact Hausdorff space. Suppose that for each xXx \in X, there is a neighbourhood UU of xx and a positive integer kk such that UU can be embedded in Rk\mathbb{R}^k. Show that XX can be embedded in RN\mathbb{R}^Nfor some positive integer NN.
  1. Let XX be a Hausdorff space such that each point of XX has a neighbourhood that is homeomorphic with an open subset of Rm\mathbb{R}^m. Show that if XX is compact, then XX is an mm-manifold.
  1. An indexed family {Aα}\{A_\alpha\} of subsets of XX is said to be a point-finite indexed family if each xXx \in X belongs to AαA_\alpha for only finitely many values of α\alpha.

    Lemma (The shrinking lemma). Let XX be a normal space and {U1,U2,}\{U_1,U_2,\ldots\} be a point-finite indexed open covering of XX, then there exists an indexed open covering {V1,V2,}\{V_1,V_2,\ldots\} of XX such that VnUn\overline{V_n} \subseteq U_n for each nn.

An example of a non-Hausdorff manifold.

  1. The Hausdorff condition is an essential part of the definition of a manifold; it is not implied by the other parts of the definition. Consider the following space: Let XX be the union of the set R\{0}\mathbb{R} \backslash \{0\} and the two-point set {p,q}\{p,q\}. Topologise XX by taking as basis the collection of all open intervals in R\mathbb{R} that do not contain 00, along with all sets of the form (a,0){p}(0,a)(-a,0) \cup \{p\} (0,a) and all sets of the form (a,0){q}(0,a)(-a,0) \cup \{q\} (0,a) for a>0a > 0. The space XX is called the line with two origins (a.k.a. the bug-eyed line).

    (a) Check that this is a basis for a topology.

    (b) Show that each of the spaces X\{p}X \backslash \{p\} and X\{q}X \backslash \{q\} is homeomorphic to R\mathbb{R}.

    (c) Show that XX satisfies the T1T_1 axiom, but is not Hausdorff.

    (d) Show that XX satisfies all the conditions for a 1-manifold except for the Hausdorff condition.