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Exercises Attempts

Exercise after §23

  1. Let T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T}' be two topologies on XX. If TT\mathcal{T}' \supseteq \mathcal{T}, what does connectedness of XX in one topology imply about connectedness in the other?

Suppose that XX is connected under T\mathcal{T}', then the only subsets of XX that are both open and closed in XX under T\mathcal{T}' are the empty set and XX itself. Since the open sets in T\mathcal{T} are contained in T\mathcal{T}', it follows that the only open and closed subsets of XX under T\mathcal{T} are also the empty set and XX itself, implying that XX is connected in T\mathcal{T}.

If XX is connected under T\mathcal{T}, it is not in general true that XX is connected under T\mathcal{T}', as there may be other open and closed subsets of XX under T\mathcal{T}'. For example, R\mathbb{R} is connected under the indiscrete topology, but not connected under the discrete topology.

  1. Let {An}\{A_n\} be a sequence of connected subspaces of XX, such that AnAn+1A_n \cap A_{n+1} \neq \emptyset for all nn. Show that An\bigcup A_n is connected.
  1. Let {Aα}\{A_\alpha\} be a collection of connected subspaces of XX; let AA be a connected subspace of XX. Show that if AAαA \cap A_\alpha \neq \emptyset for all α\alpha, then A(Aα)A \cup (\bigcup A_\alpha) is connected.
  1. Show that if XX is an infinite set, it is connected in the finite complement topology.
  1. A space is totally disconnected if its only connected subspaces are one-point sets. Show that if XX has the discrete topology, then XX is totally disconnected. Does the converse hold?
  1. Let AA be a proper subset of XX, and let BB be a proper subset of YY. If XX and YY are connected, show that
(X×Y)\(A×B)(X \times Y) \backslash (A \times B)

is connected.

  1. Let {Xα}αJ\{X_\alpha\}_{\alpha \in J} be an indexed family of connected spaces; let XX be the product space

    X=αJXα.X=\prod_{\alpha \in J} X_\alpha.

    Let a=(aα)\mathbf{a}=(a_\alpha) be a fixed point of XX.

    (a) Given any finite subset KK of JJ, let XKX_K denote the subspace of XX consisting of all points x=(xα)\mathbf{x}=(x_\alpha) such that xα=aαx_\alpha=a_\alpha for αK\alpha \in K. Show that XKX_K is connected.

    (b) Show that the union YY of the spaces XKX_K is connected.

    (c) Show that XX equals the closure of YY; conclude that XX is connected.

  1. Let YXY \subseteq X; let XX and YY be connected. Show that if AA and BB form a separation of X\YX \backslash Y , then YAY \cup A and YBY \cup B are connected.

Exercise after §24

  1. (a) Show that no two of the spaces (0,1)(0,1), (0,1](0,1], and [0,1][0,1] are homeomorphic. [Hint: What happens if you remove a point from each of these spaces?]

    (b) Suppose that there exists embeddings f:XYf : X \to Y and g:YXg : Y \to X. Show by means of an example that XX and YY need not be homeomorphic.

    (c) Show Rn\mathbb{R}^n and R\mathbb{R} are not homeomorphic if n>1n>1.

  1. Let f:S1Rf : S^1 \to \mathbb{R} be a continuous map. Show there exists a point xx of S1S^1 such that f(x)=f(x)f(x)=f(-x).

Recall that S1S^1 is defined as the space of all complex numbers zz for which z=1|z|=1.

  1. Let f:XXf : X \to X be continuous. Show that if X=[0,1]X = [0,1], there is a point xx such that f(x)=xf(x)=x. The point xx is called a fixed point of ff. What happens if XX equals [0,1)[0,1) or (0,1)(0,1)?
  1. Let XX be an ordered set in the order topology. Show that if XX is connected, then XX is a linear continuum.
  1. Show that if UU is an open connected subspace of R2\mathbb{R}^2, then UU is path connected. [Hint: Show that given x0Ux_0 \in U, the set of points that can be joined to x0x_0 by a path in UU is both open and closed in UU.]

Exercise after §25

  1. Let XX be locally path connected. Show that every connected open set in XX is path connected.
  1. Let XX denote the rational poitns of the interval [0,1]×{0}[0,1] \times \{0\} of R2\mathbb{R}^2. Let TT denote the union of all line segments joining the point p=(0,1)p = (0,1) to points of XX.

    (a) Show that TT is path connected, but is locally connected only at the point pp. (b) Find a subset of R2\mathbb{R}^2 that is path connected but is locally connected at none of its points.

  1. A space XX is said to be weakly locally connected at xx if for every neighbourhood UU of xx, there is a connected subspace of XX contained in UU that contains a neighbourhood of xx. Show that if XX is weakly locally connected at each of its points, then XX is locally connected. [Hint: Show that components of open sets are open.]
  1. Let GG be a topological group; let CC be the component of GG containing the identity element ee. Show that CC is a normal subgroup of GG. [Hint: If xGx \in G, then xCxC is the component of GG containing xx.]
  1. Let XX be a space. Let us define xyx \sim y if there is no separation X=ABX = A \cup B of XX into disjoint open sets such that xAx \in A and yBy \in B.

    (a) Show this relation is an equivalence relation. The equivalence classes are called the quasicomponents of XX. (b) Show that each component of XX lies in a quasicomponent of XX, and that the components and quasicomponents of XX are the same if XX is locally connected. (c) Let KK denote the set {1n:nZ+}\left\{\frac{1}{n} : n \in \mathbb{Z}_+\right\}, and let K-K denote the set {1n:nZ+}\left\{-\frac{1}{n} : n \in \mathbb{Z}_+\right\}. Determine the components, path components, and quasicomponents of the following subspaces of R2\mathbb{R}^2:

    A=(K×[0,1]){(0,0)}{(0,1)}A = (K \times [0,1]) \cup \{(0,0)\} \cup \{(0,1)\} B=A([0,1]×{0})B = A \cup ([0,1] \times \{0\}) C=(K×[0,1])(K×[1,0])([0,1]×K)([1,0]×K)C = (K \times [0,1]) \cup (-K \times [-1,0]) \cup ([0,1] \times -K) \cup ([-1,0] \times K)

Exercise after §26

  1. (a) Let T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T}' be two topologies on the set XX; suppose that TT\mathcal{T}' \supseteq \mathcal{T}. What does compactness of XX under one of these topologies imply about the compactness under the other?

    (b) Show that if XX is compact Hausdorff under both T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T}', then either T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T}' are equal or they are not comparable.

  1. Show that a finite union of compact subspaces of XX is compact.
  1. Show that every compact subspace of a metric space is bounded in that metric and is closed. Find a metric space in which not every closed bounded subspace is compact.
  1. Let AA and BB be disjoint compact subspaces of the Hausdorff space XX. Show that there exists disjoint open sets UU and VV containing AA and BB, respectively.
  1. Show that if f:XYf : X \to Y is continuous, where XX is compact and YY is Hausdorff, then ff is a closed map (that is, ff carries closed sets to closed sets).
  1. Show that if YY is compact, then the projection π1:X×YX\pi_1 : X \times Y \to X is a closed map.

8 (reworded). Prove that for a function f:XYf : X \to Y where YY is compact Hausdorff, we have that ff is continuous if and only if the graph of ff,

Gf:={(x,f(x)):xX}G_f := \{ (x ,f(x)) : x \in X\}

is closed in X×YX \times Y.

  1. Let p:XYp : X \to Y be a closed continuous surjective map such that p1({y})p^{-1}(\{y\}) is compact, for each yYy \in Y (Such a map is called a perfect map.) Show that if YY is compact, then XX is compact.

    [Hint: If UU is an open set containing p1({y})p^{-1}(\{y\}), there is a neighbourhood WW of yy such that p1(W)p^{-1}(W) is contained in UU.]

  1. Let GG be a topological group.

    (a) Let AA and BB be subspaces of GG. If AA is closed and BB is compact, show that ABA \cdot B is closed. [Hint: If cc is not in ABA \cdot B, find a neighbourhood WW of cc such that WB1W \cdot B^{-1} is disjoint from AA.]

    (b) Let HH be a subgroup of GG; let p:GG/Hp : G \to G/H be the quotient map. If HH is compact, show that pp is a closed map.

    (c) Let HH be a compact subgroup of GG. Show that if G/HG/H is compact, then GG is compact.

Exercise after §27

  1. Prove that if XX is an ordered set in which every closed interval is compact, then XX has the least upper bound property.

This is the converse of Theorem 27.1.

  1. Let XX be a metric space with metric dd; let AXA \subseteq X be nonempty.

    (a) Show that d(x,A)=0d(x,A)=0 if and only if xAx \in \overline{A}.

    (b) Show that if AA is compact, d(x,A)=d(x,a)d(x,A) = d(x,a) for some aAa \in A.

    (c) Define the _ε\varepsilon-neighbourhood _ of AA in XX to be the set

    U(A,ε)={x:d(x,A)<ε}.U(A,\varepsilon)=\{x : d(x,A)<\varepsilon\}.

    Show that U(A,ε)U(A,\varepsilon) equals the union of the open balls Bd(a,ε)B_d(a,\varepsilon) for aAa \in A.

    (d) Assume that AA is compact; let UU be an open set containing AA. Show that some ε\varepsilon-neighbourhood of AA is contained in UU.

    (e) Show the result in (d) need not hold if AA is closed but not compact.

  1. Show that a connected metric space having more than one point is uncountable.
  1. Let XX be a compact Hausdorff space; let {An}\{A_n\} be a countable collection of closed sets of XX. Show that if each set AnA_n has empty interior in XX, then the union An\bigcup A_n has empty interior in XX. [Hint: Imitate the proof of Theorem 27.7.]

This is a special case of the Baire category theorem.

  1. Let A0A_0 be the closed interval [0,1][0,1] in R\mathbb{R}. Let A1A_1 be the set obtained from A0A_0 by deleting its 'middle third' (13,23)\left(\frac{1}{3},\frac{2}{3}\right). Let A2A_2 be the set obtained from A1A_1 by deleting its 'middle thirds' (19,29)\left(\frac{1}{9},\frac{2}{9}\right) and (79,89)\left(\frac{7}{9},\frac{8}{9}\right). In general, define AnA_n by the equation

    An=An1\k=0(1+3k3n,2+3k3n).A_n = A_{n-1} \backslash \bigcup_{k=0}^{\infty}\left(\frac{1+3k}{3^n},\frac{2+3k}{3^n}\right).

    The intersection

    C=nZ+AnC=\bigcap_{n \in \mathbb{Z}_+}A_n

    is called the Cantor set; it is a subspace of [0,1][0,1].

    (a) Show that CC is totally disconnected.

    (b) Show that CC is compact.

    (c) Show that each set AnA_n is a union of finitely many disjoint closed intervals of length 1/3n1/3^n; and show that the end points of these intervals lie in CC.

    (d) Show that CC has no isolated points.

    (e) Conclude that CC is uncountable.

Exercise after §28

  1. Let XX be limit point compact.

    (a) If f:XYf : X \to Y is continuous, does it follow that f(X)f(X) is limit point compact?

    (b) If AA is a closed subset of XX, does it follow that AA is limit point compact?

    (c) If XX is a subspace of the Hausdorff space ZZ, does it follow that XX is closed in ZZ?


    It is not true in general that the product of two limit point compact spaces is limit point compact, even if the Hausdorff condition is assumed. However, the (counter)examples are remarked to be sophisticated, such as the Novak space.

  1. A space XX is said to be countably compact if every countable open covering of XX contains a finite subcollection that covers XX. Show that for a T1T_1 space XX, countable compactness is equivalent to limit point compactness. [Hint: If no finite subcollection of UnU_n covers XX, choose xnU1Unx_n \notin U_1 \cup \cdots \cup U_n, for each nn.]
  1. Show that XX is countably compact if and only if every nested sequence C1C2C_1 \supseteq C_2 \supseteq \cdots of closed nonempty sets of XX has a nonempty intersection.
  1. Let (X,d)(X,d) be a metric space. If f:XXf : X \to X satisfies the condition

for all x,yXx,y \in X, then ff is called an isometry of XX. Show that if ff is an isometry and XX is compact, then ff is bijective and hence a homeomorphism. [Hint: If af(X)a \in f(X), choose ε\varepsilon so that the ε\varepsilon-neighbourhood of aa is disjoint from f(X)f(X). Set x1=ax_1=a, and xn+1=f(xn)x_{n+1}=f(x_n) in general. Show that d(xn,xm)εd(x_n,x_m) \geqslant \varepsilon for nmn \neq m.]

  1. Let (X,d)(X,d) be a metric space. If ff satisfies the condition
d(f(x),f(y))<d(x,y)d(f(x),f(y)) < d(x,y)

for all x,yXx,y \in X with xyx \neq y, then ff is called a shrinking map. If there is a number α<1\alpha<1 such that

d(f(x),f(y))αd(x,y)d(f(x),f(y)) \leqslant \alpha d(x,y)

for all x,yXx,y \in X, then ff is called a contraction. A fixed point of ff is a point xx such that f(x)=xf(x)=x.

(a) If ff is a contraction and XX is compact, show ff has a unique fixed point. [Hint: Define f1=ff^1=f and fn+1=ffnf^{n+1}=f \circ f^n. Consider the intersection AA of the sets An=fn(X)A_n = f^n(X).]

(b) Show more generally that if ff is a shrinking map and XX is compact, then ff has a unique fixed point. [Hint: Let AA be as before. Given xAx \in A, choose xnx_n so that x=fn+1(xn)x = f^{n+1}(x_n). If aa is the limit of some subsequence of the sequence yn=fn(xn)y_n=f^n(x_n), show that aAa \in A and f(a)=xf(a)=x. Conclude that A=f(A)A=f(A), so that diam  A=0\mathrm{diam}\; A=0.]

(c) Let X=[0,1]X=[0,1]. Show that f(x)=xx2/2f(x)=x-x^2/2 maps XX into XX and is a shrinking map that is not a contraction. [Hint: Use the mean-value theorem of calculus.]

(d) The result in (a) holds if XX is a complete metric space, such as R\mathbb{R}; see the exercises of §43. The result in (b) does not: Show that the map f:RRf : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} given by f(x)=[x+(x2+1)1/2]/2f(x)=[x+(x^2+1)^{1/2}]/2 is a shrinking map that is not a contraction and has no fixed point.

Exercise after §29

  1. Show that the rationals Q\mathbb{Q} are not locally compact.
  1. Let XX be a locally compact space. If f:XYf : X \to Y is continuous, does it follow that f(X)f(X) is locally compact? What if ff is both continuous and open? Justify your answer.
  1. If f:X1X2f : X_1 \to X_2 is a homeomorphism of locally comapct Hausdorff spaces, show ff extends to a homeomorphism of their one-point compactifications.
  1. Show that the one-point compactification of R\mathbb{R} is homeomorphic with the circle S1S^1.
  1. Show that the one-point compactification of Z+\mathbb{Z}_+ is homeomorphic with the subspace {0}{1n:nZ+}\{0\} \cup \{\frac{1}{n} : n \in \mathbb{Z}_+ \} of R\mathbb{R}.
  1. Show that if GG is a locally compact topological group and HH is a subgroup, then G/HG/H is locally compact.
  1. Show that if XX is a Hausdorff space that is locally compact at the point xx, then for each neighbourhood UU of xx, there is a neighbourhood VV of xx such that V\overline{V} is compact and VU\overline{V} \subseteq U.