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MA3209 Past Final Papers Attempts

MA3209 Metric and Topological Spaces is a mathematics course offered in the National University of Singapore (NUS) that revolves around general topology, with a focus on metric spaces.

This page presents my own attempt on (a) past-year final exam paper(s) of this course.

Academic Year 2023/2024 Semester 2

  1. Indicate if the following statements are true or false.

    (a) If f:XYf : X \to Y is continuous and XX is connected, then f(X)f(X) is connected.

    (b) The metric completion of a topological space is compact.

    (c) If XX is a normal topological space and CXC \subseteq X is a closed subspace, then CC is normal.

    (d) Every metric space is second countable.

    (e) Let XX be a set and equip R\mathbb{R} with the standard metric. The set B(X,R)\mathcal{B}(X,\mathbb{R}) of bounded functions on XX, when equipped with the supremum metric, is complete.

(a) True. See Theorem 23.5 in Chapter 3 of Munkres.

(b) False. The set of real numbers R\mathbb{R} is a metric completion of the set of rational numbers Q\mathbb{Q} under the standard metric, but R\mathbb{R} is not compact.

(c) True. See Exercise 32.1 in Chapter 4.

(d) False. the collection of sequences of real numbers Rω\mathbb{R}^\omega in the uniform topology is not second-countable.

(e) True. See Theorem 43.6 in Chapter 7. Note that R\mathbb{R} with the standard metric is complete and the uniform metric is equivalent to the supremum metric in B(X,R)\mathcal{B}(X,\mathbb{R}).

  1. Equip {0,1}\{0,1\} with the discrete topology, and equip {0,1}R\{0,1\}^{\mathbb{R}} with the induced product topology. Let X{0,1}RX \subseteq \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{R}} be the subset defined by

    X={f{0,1}R:f1({1}) is at most countable}.X = \{f \in \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{R}} : f^{-1}(\{1\}) \text{ is at most countable}\}.

    (a) Show that XX is sequentially compact.

    (b) Show that XX is not compact.

(a) Note that {0,1}\{0,1\} is finite and thus compact. It is also metrizable since it is equipped with the discrete topology.

Let A=nZ+fn1({1})RA = \bigcup_{n \in \mathbb{Z}_+}f_n^{-1}(\{1\}) \subseteq \mathbb{R}, then AA is countable since it is a countable union of countable sets. Since arbitrary products of compact spaces are compact and countable products of metrizable spaces are metrizable, it follows (by Theorem 28.2) that {0,1}A\{0,1\}^A is sequentially compact.

Let (fn)(f_n) be a sequence in XX. Define a projection map m:X{0,1}Am : X \to \{0,1\}^A by xx{0,1}Ax \to x|_{\{0,1\}^A}, i.e. obtaining an element in {0,1}A\{0,1\}^A by only taking coordinates of xx that are indexed by elements in AA. It follows that there is a subsequence m(fnk)m(f_{n_k}) that converges to, say, m(f)m(f).

By filling in the coordinates indexed by elements in R\A\mathbb{R} \backslash A with zeroes, we obtain a subsequence (fnk)(f_{n_k}) of (fn)(f_n) that converges to ff, and hence XX is sequentially compact.

(b) For each rRr \in \mathbb{R}, define Br={fX:f(r)=0}B_r = \{f \in X : f(r)=0\}. It follows that {Br}rR\{B_r\}_{r \in \mathbb{R}} is an open cover with no finite subcover, and thus XX is not compact.

To see this, note that each BrB_r is open because it is generated by αRUα\prod_{\alpha \in \mathbb{R}}U_\alpha, where Uα{0,1}U_\alpha \subseteq \{0,1\} is open in {0,1}\{0,1\}, Uα={0,1}U_\alpha=\{0,1\} except for finitely many values of α\alpha, and every subset of {0,1}\{0,1\} is open. {Br}rR\{B_r\}_{r \in \mathbb{R}} also covers XX because each BrB_r is a subset of XX and rr ranges over all real number indices. {Br}rR\{B_r\}_{r \in \mathbb{R}} also has no finite subcover because for every element in XX, there are at least uncountable zeroes as its entries.

  1. Let XX be a topological space.

    (a) Show that if XX is locally path connected, then the quotient topology on the set of connected components of XX is discrete.

    (b) Find an example of a space XX where the quotient topology on the set of connected components of XX is not discrete.

(a) Since XX is locally path connected, the connected components and path components of XX are the same1. For every open set UU of XX, in particular XX itself, each path (connected) component of UU is open in XX2. By definition, the quotient topology on the set of connected components of XX (which we denote here by AA) is induced by a surjective map p:XAp : X \to A that is a quotient map, and is defined by the subsets VV of AA such that p1(V)p^{-1}(V) is open in XX. It follows that every subset VV of AA can be expressed as vV{v}\bigcup_{v \in V}\{v\}, where each vv is a connected component of XX, which implies that p1({v})p^{-1}(\{v\}) is open in XX and thus p1(V)p^{-1}(V) is open in XX. Since we know that every connected component of XX is open, the resulting topology is discrete.

(b) Let TR2\mathbb{T} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2 be the 'topologist's sine curve' defined as follows:

T={(0,0)}{(x,y):y=sin1x,  0<x1}.\mathbb{T}=\{(0,0)\} \cup \left\{(x,y) : y=\sin \frac{1}{x},\; 0 < x \leqslant 1 \right\}.

It follows that the quotient topology on the set of connected components of T\mathbb{T} is homeomorphic to the Sierpinski space S={0,1}\mathbb{S}=\{0,1\} with the topology {,{1},{0,1}}\{\emptyset,\{1\},\{0,1\}\}, which is not discrete.

  1. (a) Show that if XX is a compact, Hausdorff topological space that contains more than one point, then there is a non-constant continuous function f:XRf : X \to \mathbb{R}.

    (b) Let (X,d)(X,d) be a compact metric space, let aXa \in X and let F\mathcal{F} denote the set of functions f:XRf : X \to \mathbb{R} such that f(x)d(x,a)|f(x)| \leqslant d(x,a) for all xXx \in X. Show that F\mathcal{F} is compact in the topology of pointwise convergence.

    (c) Show that if XX is a locally compact, Hausdorff, σ\sigma-compact, second-countable topological space, then XX is completely metrizable.

(a) Let XX be a compact, Hausdorff topological space that contains more than one point. Since XX is compact and Hausdorff, XX is normal3. Thus, if we denote two disjoint closed subsets of XX by AA and BB (which is possible since XX has more than one point), by the Urysohn lemma, there exists a continuous map f:X[0,1]f : X \to [0,1] where f(x)=0f(x)=0 for every xAx \in A and f(x)=1f(x)=1 for every xBx \in B. By 'embedding' the function into R\mathbb{R}, we obtain a non-constant, continuous function f:XRf : X \to \mathbb{R} as desired.

(b) Note that the topology of pointwise convergence is equivalent to the product topology. Let aXa \in X be arbitrarily chosen and fixed. We can then view F\mathcal{F} as a subset of RX\mathbb{R}^X such that each of its factors FRF \subseteq \mathbb{R} is bounded by a constant d(x,a)d(x,a) in a weak inequality for each xXx \in X. This implies that FF is closed and bounded, and thus compact. By Tychonoff theorem, it follows that FRX\mathcal{F} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^X is compact in the topology of pointwise convergence.

(c) In fact, if a space XX is locally compact and second-countable, it is σ\sigma-compact4.

Since every locally compact, Hausdorff space is regular5, combined with Urysohn metrization theorem, XX is metrizable. Let X~\tilde{X} be the completion of XX6. We claim that XX is open in X~\tilde{X} and thus completely metrizable4. To see this, let h:XX~h : X \to \tilde{X} be an isometric embedding. Let xXx \in X and VV be a neighbourhood of xx that is contained in a compact subspace CC of XX. It follows that h(C)h(C) is a compact (also equivalently, sequentially compact) subset of X~\tilde{X} so it cannot contain any element yX~\h(X)y \in \tilde{X} \backslash h(X). By the same argument, C=h(C)C=h(C), so xh(C)x \in h(C) and h(C)h(X)h(C) \subseteq h(X), which implies that for every xx in h(X)h(X), there exists a neighbourhood of xx with respect to X~\tilde{X} that is contained in h(X)h(X), so h(X)h(X) is open in X~\tilde{X}.

  1. Let (Y,d)(Y,d) be a metric space, and let (fn)n=1(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty} be a sequence of continuous maps from Rn\mathbb{R}^n to YY. Denote F:={fn:nZ+}\mathcal{F} := \{ f_n : n \in \mathbb{Z}^+ \}.

    (a) Show that the compact-open topology on the space C(Rn,Y)\mathcal{C}(\mathbb{R}^n,Y) is Hausdorff.

    (b) Show that if (fn)n=1(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty} converges pointwise to map f:RnYf : \mathbb{R}^n \to Y and F\mathcal{F} is an equicontinuous family, then ff is continuous.

    (c) Show that if (fn)n=1(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty} converges in the compact open topology to a continuous map f:RnYf : \mathbb{R}^n \to Y, then F\mathcal{F} is an equicontinuous family.

(a) We want to prove that if XX and YY are topological spaces, then in the compact-open topology, C(X,Y)\mathcal{C}(X,Y) is Hausdorff if YY is Hausdorff.7

Recall the definition of a subbasis element of a compact-open topology: if XX and YY are topological spaces, CC is a compact subspace of XX and WW is an open subset of YY, then a subbasis element S(C,W)S(C,W) of the compact-open topology is defined as follows:

S(C,W)={f:fC(X,Y) and f(C)W}.S(C,W)=\{ f : f \in \mathcal{C}(X,Y) \text{ and } f(C) \subseteq W\}.

Let f1,f2f_1,f_2 be two distinct elements in C(X,Y)\mathcal{C}(X,Y), then there exists an element x0Xx_0 \in X such that f1(x0)f2(x0)f_1(x_0) \neq f_2(x_0). Since YY is Hausdorff, we obtain a neighbourhood UU of f1(x0)Yf_1(x_0) \in Y and VV of f2(x0)Yf_2(x_0) \in Y such that UV=U \cap V = \emptyset. Pick C={x0}C=\{x_0\}; it is compact since it is finite. It follows by the definition of the subbasis element above that S(C,U)S(C,U) and S(C,V)S(C,V) are disjoint neighbourhoods of f1f_1 and f2f_2 respectively. Thus, the compact-open topology is Hausdorff.

Finally, since YY is a metric space, YY is also Hausdorff, thus from the result above the compact-open topology on C(Rn,Y)\mathcal{C}(\mathbb{R}^n,Y) is Hausdorff, as desired.

(b) Let (fn)n=1(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty} be a sequence of continuous maps from Rn\mathbb{R}^n to YY that converges pointwise to a function f:RnYf : \mathbb{R}^n \to Y. Note that Rn\mathbb{R}^n is metrizable, so we can use the sequential criterion of continuity to prove the continuity of ff.

Let ε>0\varepsilon>0 be arbitrary. Let (xk)(x_k) be a sequence in Rn\mathbb{R}^n that converges to a point xRnx \in \mathbb{R}^n, then for each neighbourhood UU of xx, there exists a positive integer KUK_U such that xkUx_k \in U whenever kKUk \geqslant K_U.

Let f(xk)f(x_k) be a sequence in YY. Due to the pointwise convergence of (fn)n=1(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty} to ff, there exist positive integers NxkN_{x_k} for each kZ+k \in \mathbb{Z}_+, as well as a positive integer NxN_{x}, such that d(fn(xk),f(xk))<ε/3d(f_n(x_k),f(x_k))<\varepsilon/3 and d(fn(x),f(x))<ε/3d(f_n(x),f(x))<\varepsilon/3 whenever nNxkn \geqslant N_{x_k} and nNxn \geqslant N_x respectively. Due to the equicontinuity of F\mathcal{F}, in particular at the limit point xx of the sequence (xk)(x_k), there exists a neighbourhood UU' of xx such that for all xUx' \in U' and nZ+n \in \mathbb{Z}_+, we have d(fn(x),fn(x))<ε/3d(f_n(x'),f_n(x))<\varepsilon/3.

Now, choose a positive integer KK such that KK is larger than KUK_{U'}, and a positive integer NN such that NN is larger than NxN_x and NxkN_{x_k} for each (not all, each) kk. It follows by triangle inequality that whenever nNn \geqslant N and kKk \geqslant K, we have that

d(f(xk),f(x))d(f(xk),fn(xk))+d(fn(xk),fn(x))+d(fn(x),f(x))<ε.d(f(x_k),f(x)) \leqslant d(f(x_k),f_n(x_k))+d(f_n(x_k),f_n(x))+d(f_n(x),f(x))<\varepsilon.

This implies that the sequence f(xk)f(x_k) converges to f(x)f(x), so ff is continuous.

(c) Suppose that (fn)n=1(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty} converges in the compact open topology to a continuous map f:RnYf : \mathbb{R}^n \to Y. Note that since YY is a metric space, the compact open topology is equal to the topology of compact convergence8. This implies that for each compact subspace CC of Rn\mathbb{R}^n, the sequence fnCf_n|_{C} converges uniformly to fCf|_{C}9.

Let ε>0\varepsilon>0 be arbitrary. Let x0Rnx_0 \in \mathbb{R}^n. Utilising its local compactness, let UU be a neighbourhood of x0x_0 that is contained in some compact subspace CC. Due to the aforementioned uniform convergence, there exists a positive integer NN such that for each xUCx' \in U \subseteq C, we have that d(fnC(x),fC(x))<ε/3d(f_n|_{C}(x'),f|_{C}(x'))<\varepsilon/3. Due to the continuity of the limit function ff, there exists a neighbourhood UU' of x0x_0 such that for each xUx'' \in U', we have that d(f(x),f(x0))<ε/3d(f(x''),f(x_0))<\varepsilon/3.

Applying triangle inequality, it follows that whenever xUUx \in U \cap U' (which is also a neighbourhood of x0x_0 that is contained in CC) and nNn \geqslant N, we have that

d(fn(x),fn(x0))d(fn(x),f(x))+d(f(x),f(x0))+d(f(x0),fn(x0))<ε.d(f_n(x),f_n(x_0)) \leqslant d(f_n(x),f(x))+d(f(x),f(x_0))+d(f(x_0),f_n(x_0))<\varepsilon.

As for the terms in the sequence (fn)n=1(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty} where n<Nn < N, utilising the continuity of each fnf_n, choose a neighbourhood UnU_n of x0x_0 such that d(fn(x),fn(x0))<εd(f_n(x),f_n(x_0))<\varepsilon for each xUnx \in U_n. It follows that for the neighbourhood U1UN1U_1 \cap \cdots \cap U_{N-1} of x0x_0, we have d(fn(x),fn(x0))<εd(f_n(x),f_n(x_0))<\varepsilon for all n<Nn < N.

Combining the two cases together, we obtain a neighbourhood of x0x_0, specifically U1UN1UUU_1 \cap \cdots \cap U_{N-1} \cap U \cap U', such that d(fn(x),fn(x0))<εd(f_n(x),f_n(x_0))<\varepsilon for all points xx in the neighbourhood and all nZ+n \in \mathbb{Z}_+. Therefore, F\mathcal{F} is equicontinuous.


  1. See Theorem 25.4 in Chapter 3 of Munkres.

  2. See Theorem 25.5 in Chapter 3 of Munkres.

  3. See Theorem 32.3 in Chapter 4 of Munkres.

  4. See Exercise 46.10 in Chapter 7 of Munkres. 2

  5. See Exercise 32.3 in Chapter 4 of Munkres.

  6. This is possible due to Theorem 43.7 in Chapter 7 of Munkres.

  7. See also Exercise 46.6 in Chapter 7 of Munkres.

  8. See Theorem 46.8 in Chapter 7 of Munkres.

  9. See Theorem 46.2 in Chapter 7 of Munkres.