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Chapter 2: Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions

Topology and Topological Spaces: A Primer

The study of topological spaces is a generalisation of the concepts of metric spaces, as well as open and closed sets, both of which are important in real analysis. Informally, a topological space is a set that has a topology, which "decides" which subset is open or not.

Definition. A topology T\mathcal{T} on a set XX is a collection of subsets of XX (in other words, TP(X)\mathcal{T} \subseteq \mathcal{P}(X)) which has the following properties:

  1. The empty set \emptyset and XX itself are in T\mathcal{T}.
  2. Any arbitrary union of subcollections of T\mathcal{T} is in T\mathcal{T}.
  3. Any finite intersection of subcollections of T\mathcal{T} is in T\mathcal{T}.

We can then say that a subset UU of XX is an open set if XX is in T\mathcal{T}. One can compare this with the metric-space definition of open sets, which is the definition often adapted in real analysis courses and can allow us to derive the topological definition of open sets in XX, as described above.

One may then ask: what if it is the other way round, i.e. is it possible to produce a metric space from a topological space? In fact, this is a question that attracts so much interest that mathematicians assign a special name to those that have this property: metrizable spaces, which we shall learn later in this chapter.

This may look obvious to some, but for the sake of reminder: it is possible for a set XX to have multiple topologies. There is also a not-so-obvious one: different sets can have the same topology(!).

Concepts for Topologies

Fineness and Coarseness

Definition. Given (any) two topologies T,T\mathcal{T}, \mathcal{T'} of a set XX, we say that T\mathcal{T'} is finer than T\mathcal{T} if TT\boxed{\mathcal{T'} \supseteq \mathcal{T}}. We say T\mathcal{T'} is strictly finer than T\mathcal{T} if TT\boxed{\mathcal{T'} \supset \mathcal{T}}.

Conversely, if TT\boxed{\mathcal{T'} \subseteq \mathcal{T}} (resp. TT\boxed{\mathcal{T'} \subset \mathcal{T}}), then we say that T\mathcal{T'} is coarser (resp. strictly coarser) than T\mathcal{T}.

We say T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T'} are comparable if either TT\mathcal{T'} \supseteq \mathcal{T} or TT\mathcal{T'} \subseteq \mathcal{T}, i.e. if it is possible to say if one is finer or coarser than the other.

Informally, a topology is finer if it "contains more detail" or "has a finer scale" than the other topology.

A visualisation of topological coarseness and fineness using ruler markings.

A visualisation of topological coarseness and fineness using ruler markings.

Basis (for a Topology)

Definition. Let XX be a set. A basis for a topology T\mathcal{T} on XX is a collection of subsets of XX (which are called basis elements), denoted here as B\mathcal{B}, such that for each xXx \in X:-

  1. There is at least one basis element BB that contains xx, i.e. xBx \in B.
  2. If xB1B2x \in B_1 \cap B_2, where B1B_1 and B2B_2 are (two) basis elements, then there is a (third) basis element B3B_3 such that xB3x \in B_3 and B3B_3 is contained by the intersection of B1B_1 and B2B_2, i.e. B3B1B2B_3 \subseteq B_1 \cap B_2. (Note: this is immediately true if B1=B2B_1 = B_2: the desired B3B_3 will just be B1=B2 B_1 = B_2 itself.)

The topology T\mathcal{T} generated by the basis B\mathcal{B} is then defined as: if a subset UU of XX is open (i.e. UTU \in \mathcal{T}), then for each xUx \in U, there is a basis element BB B \in \mathcal{B} such that xBx \in B and BUB \subseteq U. From the definition, we can see that the basis elements themselves are in the topology generated from them.

Why does this definition of basis-generated topology do give us a topology?

We need to check that a topology T\mathcal{T} generated by a basis B\mathcal{B} satisfies the basic definition of topology.

If U=U = \emptyset, then UTU \in \mathcal{T} vacuously because we cannot find any xUx \in U to check the condition of openness. If U=XU = X, then since every basis element BBB \in \mathcal{B} satisfies BXB \subseteq X, as well as the first condition for a basis, it also satisfies this condition of openness and is thus in T\mathcal{T}.

To check that any arbitrary union of T\mathcal{T}, i.e. U=αJUαU = \bigcup_{\alpha \in J}U_\alpha, where {Uα}αJ\{U_\alpha\}_{\alpha \in J} is an indexed family of sets in T\mathcal{T}, is still in T\mathcal{T}, we see that since each UαU_\alpha is open, by definition, there is a basis element BB such that xBUαx \in B \subseteq U_\alpha. Note that UαUU_\alpha \subseteq U for any αJ\alpha \in J, so we have BUB \subseteq U as well. This shows that UU is open and hence in T\mathcal{T}.

To check that any finite intersection of T\mathcal{T}, i.e. U=i=1nUiU = \bigcap_{i=1}^{n}U_i, where U1,,UnTU_1,\ldots, U_n \in \mathcal{T} and nNn \in \mathbb{N}, is in T\mathcal{T}, we can do so by induction. We first settle the base case: for n=1n = 1, U1U_1 itself is already in T\mathcal{T}, so it immediately holds.

When n=2n = 2 so that we have U1U2U_1 \cap U_2, given xU1U2x \in U_1 \cap U_2, by definition, we can choose basis elements B1B_1 and B2B_2 such that xB1x \in B_1 (resp. B2B_2) and B1U1B_1 \subseteq U_1 (resp. B2U2B_2 \subseteq U_2). By the definition of a basis, we can obtain a basis element B3B_3 such that xB3x \in B_3 and B3B1B2B_3 \subseteq B_1 \cap B_2. Since B1B2U1U2B_1 \cap B_2 \subseteq U_1 \cap U_2, this gives us B3U1U2B_3 \subseteq U_1 \cap U_2, so U1U2TU_1 \cap U_2 \in \mathcal{T}, by definition.

This argument above can be used to prove the inductive case. For a finite intersection U1UnU_1 \cap \cdots \cap U_n of elements of T\mathcal{T}, we first suppose that U1Un1U_1 \cap \cdots \cap U_{n-1} does belong to T\mathcal{T}. Now, note that

(U1Un)=(U1Un1)Un.(U_1 \cap \cdots \cap U_n) = (U_1 \cap \cdots \cap U_{n-1}) \cap U_n.

Therefore, by induction hypothesis and applying the argument above, we can conclude that any finite intersection of elements in T\mathcal{T} belongs to T\mathcal{T}.

We have then checked that all three conditions of a topology are satisifed, so T\mathcal{T} indeed gives us a topology.

If XX is any set, the collection of all one-point subsets (singletons) of XX is a basis for the discrete topology on XX. Why?

Let XX be a set and B\mathcal{B} be the collection of all one-point subsets of XX. Since there is a one-to-one correspondence, specifically x{x}x \mapsto \{x\}, between XX and B\mathcal{B}, this allows us to conclude that for any xXx \in X, there exists at least one basis element BBB \in \mathcal{B} such that xBx \in B, giving us the first condition for a basis. Due to this one-to-one correspondence as well, there is no elements in XX that belongs to two different basis elements, so the second condition for a basis holds vacuously.

Any arbitrary union of the one-point subsets BBB \in \mathcal{B} will give us P(X)\{}\mathcal{P}(X) \backslash \{\emptyset\}, i.e. the collection of all subsets of XX except for the empty set, and this indeed includes XX itself. Any finite intersection of BB will then give us the last piece of the puzzle: the empty set \emptyset.

This finally gives us the complete P(X)\mathcal{P}(X), i.e. the discrete topology on XX.

[Lemma 13.1] T\mathcal{T} as a topology on a set XX that is generated by a basis B\mathcal{B} can also be described as the collection of all unions of elements of B\mathcal{B}.


For any given collection of elements of B\mathcal{B}, since they are also elements of T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T} is a topology, their union is also in T\mathcal{T}.

Conversely, for any UTU \in \mathcal{T}, we can find for each xUx \in U a basis element BxBB_x \in \mathcal{B} such that xBxUx \in B_x \subseteq U, so U=xUBxU = \bigcup_{x \in U}B_x, and thus UU equals a union of elements of B\mathcal{B}.

This means that any open set UU in XX can be expressed a union of basis elements, which sounds analogous to bases in linear algebra in which vectors are expressed as a linear combination of basis vectors. However, such expression needs not be unique, which makes it different from bases in linear algebra.

In reverse, we can also obtain a basis for a given topology, which is a frequently cited fact in the study of this topic.

[Lemma 13.2] Let XX be a topological space. Suppose that C\mathcal{C} is a collection of open sets of XX such that for each open set UU of XX and each xx in UU, there is an element CC of C\mathcal{C} such that xCUx \in C \subseteq U, then C\mathcal{C} is a basis for the topology of XX. Why?

We need to check that C\mathcal{C} satisifies the defining conditions of a (topological) basis. Since XX is a topological space and thus is an open set itself, by the hypothesis for C\mathcal{C}, for each xUx \in U, there is an element CC of C\mathcal{C} such that xCXx \in C \subseteq X, so the first condition is satisfied.

To check the second condition, suppose that xC1C2x \in C_1 \cap C_2, where C1,C2CC_1,C_2 \in \mathcal{C}. Since C1C_1 and C2C_2 are open, so is C1C2C_1 \cap C_2. Therefore, there exists by hypothesis an element C3C_3 in C\mathcal{C} such that xC3C1C2x \in C_3 \subseteq C_1 \cap C_2.

Let T\mathcal{T} be the collection of open sets of XX; we also need to show that the topology T\mathcal{T}' generated by C\mathcal{C} is indeed equal to the topology T\mathcal{T}. First, note that if UU belongs to T\mathcal{T} and if xUx \in U, then there is by hypothesis an element C of C\mathcal{C} such that xCUx \in C \subseteq U, so UU belongs to the (generated) topology T\mathcal{T}'. Conversely, if WW belongs to the (generated) topology T\mathcal{T}', then WW equals a union of elements of C\mathcal{C}, by Lemma 13.1. Since each element of C\mathcal{C} belongs to T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T} is a topology, WW also belongs to T\mathcal{T}.

[Lemma 13.3] Let B\mathcal{B} and B\mathcal{B}' be bases for the topologies T\mathcal{T} and T\mathcal{T}', respectively, on XX, then T\mathcal{T}' is finer than T\mathcal{T} if and only if for each xXx \in X and each basis element BBB \in \mathcal{B} containing xx, there is a basis element BBB' \in \mathcal{B}' such that xBBx \in B' \subseteq B.

Proof of Lemma 13.3.

(    )(\impliedby). Given an element UU of T\mathcal{T}, we wish to show that UTU \in \mathcal{T}'. Let xUx \in U. Since B\mathcal{B} generates T\mathcal{T}, there is an element BBB \in \mathcal{B} such that xBUx \in B \subseteq U. By hypothesis, there exists an element BBB' \in \mathcal{B}' such that xBBx \in B' \subseteq B, then xBUx \in B' \subseteq U, so UTU \in \mathcal{T} by definition.

(    )(\implies). Let xXx \in X and BBB \in \mathcal{B}, with xBx \in B. Now BB belongs to T\mathcal{T} by definition and TT\mathcal{T} \subseteq \mathcal{T}' by hypothesis (being finer). Therefore, BTB \in \mathcal{T}'. Since T\mathcal{T}' is generated by B\mathcal{B}', there is an element such that xBBx \in B' \subseteq B.

Lemma 13.3 also shows that the collection of all circular regions in the plane generates the same topology as the collection of all rectangular regions.

Important Topologies

There are several main topologies covered in this chapter. Some of them are so important that they deserve a dedicated subsection, whereas some others that are not so much are just included as an item of a bullet list here. Here, we denote a set as XX, and its equipped topology, unless otherwise stated, as T\mathcal{T}.

  • Discrete topology: the collection of all subsets of XX.
  • Indiscrete/trivial topology: the other end of the extreme, i.e. the collection of only \emptyset and XX itself.
  • Finite complement topology, Tf\mathcal{T}_f: the collection of all subsets UU of XX such that X\UX \backslash U is either finite or XX itself (so that U=U = \emptyset).
  • Countable complement topology, Tc\mathcal{T}_c: the collection of all subsets UU of XX such that X\UX \backslash U is either countable or XX itself (so that U=U = \emptyset).
  • Standard topology (on the real line), R\mathbb{R}: the topology generated by the collection of all open intervals in the real line, (a,b)={x:a<x<b}(a,b)=\{x : a < x < b\}. This is assumed to be the default topology for R\mathbb{R}, unless otherwise stated.
  • Lower limit topology, Rl\mathbb{R}_l: the topology generated by the collection of all half-open intervals of the form [a,b)={x:ax<b}[a,b) = \{x : a \leqslant x < b\}, where a<ba < b.
  • K-topology, RK\mathbb{R}_K: the topology generated by the collection of all open intervals (a,b)(a,b), along with all sets of the form (a,b)\K(a,b) \backslash K, where K={1n:nZ+}K = \left\{\frac{1}{n} : n \in \mathbb{Z}_+ \right\}.

Order Topology

Product Topology (+ Box Topology)

Subspace Topology

Metric Topology

Quotient Topology